Friday, February 17, 2006

Council's "Gateways" redevelopment project

A reader commented this morning,

"Geoff, what do you think about the Gateways Redevelopment Project that includes 1,400 acres going through the center of Santa Rosa?"

Here's a quick answer:

One way developer/business interests use local government to make money, is to have their friends at City Hall create a redevelopment area for their private benefit.

The SR City Council works primarily for local developers, and the leaders of the Downtown/Railroad Square business community.

The current Housing Authority/Redevelopment Agency amounts to a second city government for those special interests. The Council recently renamed it the Department of Economic Development and Housing, to emphasize that it's about making money.

The Council created a Downtown Partnership Committee in 1996, which resulted in the 1998 R/UDAT visit. Since the late '90s, the Council has funded two private lobbies (CityVision/Santa Rosa Main Street) to lobby them to improve Downtown/Railroad Square. The Council has obliged by spending millions of federal/state/local dollars, on projects including the Vineyard Creek Hotel, Spa and Conference Center; the Prince Memorial Greenway, and the proposed White House garage/condo complex.

Looks like the Council intends the proposed Gateways project to create major north/south entrances to a "revitalized" downtown; and to make money for their developer/business friends, by overbuilding the Highway 101 corridor.

To learn more about the Council's Gateways Redevelopment Project, go here:


At 3:47 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Thanks Geoff, Your insite is very usefull to us "other" santa rosins.
I own and run a retail store in the redevelopment zone and own the property as well. This plan will displace many hardworking business's taking property away thru eminent domain by havin been labeled blighted! Condeming our property and hense lowering the value of said property!We have worked to build up what is an otherwize run-down area into a profitable comunity and feel like city councle could care less. Its all about council members lining their buddys pockets with our property tax money! So the businesses in the area are invited to join our business assocation dedicated to protecting our rights. We need people to help collect signatures for a petition to force city hall to bring this issue to the poeple of santa rosa with a vote that decides everyones fate. Let the people decide not the money grubbing city councle. email me if you would like to help!


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